Theologically Speaking

What if I should read theology
What would such reading do?
But supply me with information
To give chance of another view
But would a transformation
Come of it’s own accord
Because I’d say one Jesus
Is now what’s called my Lord?
If that were to be the case my friend
Then let us read the more
So that through all our reading
We may reach the other shore
But I don’t think it’s automatic
For a vision need employ
To get us past our worldly views
To that of what’s called Lord
This is no easy task my friend
For our folly we need to see
And to acknowledge that our worldliness
Is not the truth of all we see
And then to follow one called Paul
And judge not from worldly view
But to come to understand
The truth of me and you
And then by living of this truth
Ourselves and others free
And to find that perfect peace
In the heart of you and me
This is the love of one called God
The Spirit of the light
Which sustains us one and all
For it is of the infinite