Of The Source of Light

Unless you find The Christ within
Where lives the heavenly realm
You cannot say you’ve found The Christ
And in him now you dwell
Now you may read the scriptures
And study day and night
But this does not find The Christ within
Which is and of the light
Is there but a single road?
Of this I am not sure
But of what’s called the light within
I know for I’ve endured
Of course if you take my worldly man
Of works or of neglect
To be the truth that sets us free
Then you’ll live in but regret
But if you take the Holy
In both you and me
You’ll understand Christ’s kingdom
Which by world cannot be seen
So then be still and know I AM
For in stillness I am found
Then you will know the truth of it
True love the firmer ground
Then you can say it is not I
But he who lives within
The author of the works of love
Which victory you win.